Book: 'In The Ould Ago - Illustrated Irish Folklore' by Johnny McKeagney

'In The Ould Ago' [Irish expression] meaning 'A Long Time Ago'
'In The Ould Ago' [Irish expression] meaning 'A Long Time Ago'
"I defy anyone not to find this collection mesmeric, no matter where you open it, it's brilliant ...
... a unique and magnificent achievement to have it collected, memorialised and to have it bound in a beautiful book that means it will never ever disappear ...
... he was some genius ...
... is there anything else like it in existence?"
Joe Duffy reviews 'In The Ould Ago' with Paul McKeagney on RTÉ Liveline self-published book show 21st December 2021
'I believe it should be compulsory viewing for all schools and universities in Ireland'
by Brighid McLaughlin on Johnny's life & times in her Sunday Independent column 22 August 2021
"The McMahon story is just one small part of McKeagney's book, which runs to 202 such pages, all sumpuously illustrating the history, heritage, and folklore of his native county. It's a labour of love, clearly." Frank McNally, An Irishman's Diary in The Irish Times 6th February 2025
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In The Ould Ago, meaning 'a long time ago', is a book of Illustrated Irish Folklore book by Johnny McKeagney. Comprising two hundred intricately hand-drawn illustrated pages of Irish traditions, crafts, history, emigration stories, countryside, wildlife, myths and customs it is all sewn together in a case-bound hardback A3 size cover.
A self-taught historian and artist, his prefaces are written by some heavy-hitting academics and historians. For forty years Johnny collected folklore by pen and tape recorder from counties straddling both sides of the border in Ireland. He details stories and events then sketches all the salient points with a fine nib so that readers of any age can easily visualise the topics.
In The Ould Ago has been selected for admission to many Ivy League university libraries, including Harvard, Notre Dame, UCLA and Boston College, as well as New York Public Libraries and Library of Congress in Washington. Johnny's illustrated and written collection is preserved in the Fermanagh museum while his recorded material is being digitised by the UCD Folklore Department for the National Irish Archive.
Sadly Johnny passed away on the 1st of December 2010, just 5 weeks after seeing his life's work published. Seeing his stories and illustrations published gave him tremendous happiness. His wife Teresa passed on the 1st of November 2018. May God rest their souls.
After the fifth reprint, In The Ould Ago hardback book (ISBN 978-0-9566976-0-8) is available here or as an eBook on amazon Kindle. Follow the story on Facebook.
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Johnny & Teresa McKeagney
Comprising two hundred intricately hand-drawn illustrated pages of Irish traditions, crafts, history, emigration stories, countryside, farming ways, wildlife, tales and customs it is all sewn together in a case-bound hardback A3 size cover.
RTÉ Nationwide feature Johnny's journey to publishing his life's work in a book. Filmed just after the book launch, it was broadcast days after he passed away in December 2010.
Séamus MacAnnaidh and Margaret Gallagher deliver stirring speeches at the book launch in Enniskillen Castle Museum October 2010 with a witty contribution from Johnny himself.
Johnny recites a favourite story called 'Huddin and Duddin', also know as 'The Big Farmer and The Wee Farmer', introduced by piper David Power. This tale is illustrated on page 186 of the book.
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"It's a beautiful work and full of amazing references that bring back memories from childhood visiting my relations in Irvinestown, Lisnaskea and Enniskillen. My only regret is that my mother was not alive to see it as she would have had loads of tales to tell, no doubt, as she turned the pages. I will treasure it and will undoubtedly go online and buy a few more for the extended family as gifts." Paul Brady
"I am honoured to own such a wonderful record of life as it once was, much of it in my own living memory.
This is a very special publication.
It is wonderful that Johnny is receiving such richly deserved recognition.
It gives such a unique and priceless view of a world that has disappeared in our lifetime...contains valuable information that will be essential for what may lie ahead." Christy Moore
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